Tamil Bible

James 1:2-4

KJV:My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations;
KJV:Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.
KJV:But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.

My , brethren , count , it , all , joy , when , ye , fall , into , divers , temptations , TAMIL BIBLE யாக்கோபு 1 , TAMIL BIBLE யாக்கோபு , யாக்கோபு IN TAMIL BIBLE , யாக்கோபு IN TAMIL , யாக்கோபு 1 TAMIL BIBLE , யாக்கோபு 1 IN TAMIL , யாக்கோபு 1 2 IN TAMIL , யாக்கோபு 1 2 IN TAMIL BIBLE , யாக்கோபு 1 IN ENGLISH , TAMIL BIBLE James 1 , TAMIL BIBLE James , James IN TAMIL BIBLE , James IN TAMIL , James 1 TAMIL BIBLE , James 1 IN TAMIL , James 1 2 IN TAMIL , James 1 2 IN TAMIL BIBLE . James 1 IN ENGLISH ,